Classroom Economy, Brain Breaks, and Timers
Michelle Winters, NBCT
Advanced Classroom Economy Simulations
Investment opportunities
Monthly Rent Based on Seat Choice
Varing Bills
Health Insurance
JOb Prep
“The more you learn, the more you earn.”
– Warren Buffett
Routines and Behaviors that earn $$$
Gamification Bonus Opportunities
Kindness Bonus Opportunities
Recognition from other Jobs/Classmates
Geography Challenge
Class Store
Dollar tree items. Everything priced to support multiplication table, decimal math, and mental money math. When math changes to fractions, so do prices in the store!
Free Rewards*
*See lists in links
Announce in front of class, pass out awards, give a bonus.
Printable Resources
Basic Economic Concept Videos (All Grade Levels)
Basic Economic Concept Videos (Middle and High School)
"This is why we can't have nice things"
This last month, something occurred during Classroom Economy that hasn't my five previous years of doing it. I heard a student at school talking in my class about how people steal from my store and it froze me in my tracks. When introducing Classroom Economy and store, every class, every year, always ask about stealing. My response is the same every time asked- "If someone steals from my store then Classroom Economy is finished for everyone. Jobs, bills, checks, gamification, timers, they will all be gone." Well, if you say it, you better do it and by the end of class I called it, Classroom Economy is over. I was upset to say the least, but not as upset as they seemed to be. I said I needed time to decide if I wanted to work so hard if someone would steal from me, my store. The next day, each class begged to have it back. "There is no proof" "Who was it" "We don't ALL deserve to lose classroom economy." The comments, notes, pleas, were non stop. I didn't want to quit Classroom Economy, it is magic. I put up a, asked the students: Do you want to keep Classroom Economy? Yes or No please explain why.
Every class took over five minutes to answer.
Some class responses are below:
Michelle Winters, NBCT
Contact Information:
Wait Class, What Was I Saying? Teaching With ADHD
Strategies for ADHD Teacher and ADHD Student
(To be Published December 2022)